Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Gramma's and Avo's first visit!

One of the highlights of Day 2 was when we received word from the Loma Linda NICU that they were willing to lift the hard ban of non-parental visitors (due to the H1N1 outbreak) . . . they granted Gramma Barbara and Avo Rita access to Room 13 in the NICU for 10 minutes each so that they could introduce themselves to Ethan and Noel for the first time (Papa Bill had managed to sneak in his 10 minutes on the first night when he accompanied Adam and me on our initial NICU visit). It was a very special experience, as you can see from the pics below . . .

Gramma with Noel - Day 2

Avo with Ethan - Day 2

Gramma and Avo with Ethan - Day 2

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