Saturday, November 5, 2011

First Fort!!!

Pai had a great impromptu idea today to introduce the boys to their first fort! It was as easy as throwing our large afghan over top of the ottoman to create enthusiasm . . . as you can see from the pictures below, the fort was a great hit!

Ethan jumped right in and seemed fascinated with seeing the ottoman from the ground looking up. He was happy to help complete our furniture de-tagging and enjoyed the experience as long as Noel's Crocs stayed away from his face.

While it took Noel a little longer to warm up to the idea (well, not warm, necessarily, but rather figure out that he had to lower his head to actually navigate underneath the ottoman), once he got in there, he was a giggling mess . . . kicking, rolling and enjoying the experience with Pai and Ethan. Below is a super charming pic . . . Noel surprised me by poking his head outside the covers while I was trying to take the pics . . . super hammy and all Noel!

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