Saturday, November 12, 2011

A visit from the Lands and our Goddaughter!

Finally getting around to catching up on blog posts and came across some great pics from mid-November, when the Anna, Andy and Zoe Land made their way to Dallas for a good long weekend. Zoe and the boys have spent 3-4 weekends a year together and we love to see their dynamic grow with each visit. Here are some great pics from the weekend:

First up, here is Noelly showing Zoe how to pull her weight while she's on vacation . . . she though she was coming to enjoy the new toys and videos, but Noel though some light sweeping might be more appropriate.

Next up, Zoe serving herself up some yogurt with mixed results . . . doesn't appear that she's too happy with her results. :)

Lastly, our favorite memory from the weekend . . . the boys absolutely love helping with dishwashing, especially if we let them stand in the sink and control the water. Zoe thought it looked pretty fun, so she joined in . . . that is definitely a look of pure joy on her face.

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