Monday, July 16, 2012

First Visit to the Dentist

The boys have had a love/hate relationship with brushing their teeth.

It started out with indifference. 

It peaked with utter joy when they bought into the story about frogs being in their mouths and that Pai/Dad had to check and make sure the frogs were all cleaned out after each brushing.

It cratered when they got sick right before the infamous Sea World trip.  They had mouthfuls of sores which meant we couldn't come within 10 feet of them while holding a toothbrush for almost two weeks.  I swear by the end of that sickness, there were stink waves coming out of Ethan's mouth - it was truly awful.

We've leveled out somewhere in between - they're okay with brushing as long as we're not involved. 

On the way to the dentist's office today, my anxiety was on the rise, worried that A) the boys would hate the dentist office and B) we'd be chastised by the dentist for poor dental hygiene.

Who would have thought it would go off without a hitch?!?!?

I would have lost this bet 10,000 times if someone told me we'd have captured the following pictures:

Ethan was our rock star...he smiled, laughed and even let them take an x-ray:

Checking out the polisher that was going to tickle his teeth

So proud of him - he fought some 8-year old kid for this truck...and won!

Ethan's first root canal!

 And Noel had a blast as well!

Noel checking out himself being checked out by the dentist

Let me show you how it's done
Let's revisit this post in 6 months.

1 comment:

  1. So awesome. Pining for new post on the glamourous Brudam clan! x0x0x0x0
