Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sea World...more like Tear World

We'd been planning a getaway down to Austin and San Antonio for some time to see the Land clan as well as Avo.

The boys had been sick the previous two weeks and weren't quite up to snuff before we loaded up the car.   We felt that the sight of Shamu or a penguin would surely cheer them up.  Like so many other parenting assumptions, this one was terribly off the mark.

From the get go, Ethan was bringing his emotional "A" Game.  His first fit was at the Sea Lion exhibit when we told him that he couldn't get in and swim with them (I KNOW, right?!?!? We're awful parents).  

Then we headed over to the dolphin show...all kids love dolphins, right?  Ethan thinks dolphins are stupid!

Zoe wasn't too sure about the them either:

Then we decided to bribe them with frozen lemonade and got a few cute shots:

Noel digging the frozen lemonade

Ethan cursing the Shamu Roller Coaster's  38" height requirement

Avo and Ethan

The mood peaked when Ethan laid spread eagle in the middle of Stingray Alley and threw a fit of fits.  When all was said and done, we clocked in 87 minutes at Sea World and made our way back to Austin vowing not to return for at least two years.

Here's to precious family memories!

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