Sunday, December 30, 2012

3rd Birthday - The Next Day . . .

Cleaning up some of our "draft" posts today and found some "day after" photos from the boys' 3rd birthday back in December . . .
I stumbled upstairs to find an adorable picture of Ethan with Auntie Kim, enjoying some alone time before she has to depart.

Ethan showing what a big boy he's become . . . sitting in between Avo and Aunt Kim.

Many previous posts have been written about the boys' pure love for Miss Coco . . . no words cound convey that affection more than this picture of Noe and Coco, the morning of their departure.

Everyone enjoying the Play Dough set, a gift from Aunt Suzee

Love this picture of Avo getting some Ethanol love pre-departure.

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