Saturday, December 29, 2012

3rd Birthday - The Party!

The boys' third birthday snuck up on us and we managed to pull together a party at The Little Gym.  I'm sure this experience sounds awful to most non-parents, but it was pretty great, self-contained and required little work from us.
We were thrilled to have Kim in town on this special day and she got to spend some great time with the boys.  The boys had been sick all week, but they managed to rally together and with the help of special "Super Ethan" and "Super Noel" shirts courtesy of Aunt Carol, the day turned out to be Super Fun!
The boys arrived and were checking out the scene:

Avo and Ethan sporting cute smiles:

Aunt Kim and Pai:

It's hard to believe that he was throwing a MASSIVE tantrum only 30 minutes before.
Avo and Pai patiently waiting for cake:

Ethan loving his cape:
The birthday gang waiting for the bounce pad to inflate:
Noel showing off his shirt:
Taking a break with Gramma:

Travis and Papa:
A quick photo of their "Super" cake - it was Super Delicious:

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