Friday, November 30, 2012

Brotherly love . . . Miscellaneous Pics from November, 2012

While our blogging skills maybe have slightly atrophed as the boys have aged, we continue to be inspired by their supreme adorabliciousness that its too hard to not throw these posts out there.

Today, some unrelated pics that create a clear picture of the boys' current relationship . . .

A perfect example of the Ethan-Noel relationship . . . Ethan will take every opportunity to cuddle on Noelly during naptime and bedtime.  It's incredibly sweet.

Another adorable picture - the boys, on a walk with Pai, plopped down in front of the turkey and Ethan couldn't resist giving Noelly a big hug

Finally, the boys experiencing our 2 weeks of Fall in Texas - burying an always good sport Pai in leaves.

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