Saturday, November 17, 2012

Professional Photos - 3rd Year Edition!

There was a lot of pressure on our Year 3 family photos given that we've enjoyed our Christmas Card endeavors and our 2012 card was depdendent on whatever came out of this shoot.  Our first effort was a bit of a disaster as the boys were compeltely enamored with Chad and Marci's daughters and felt that pictures were an unwanted distraction.  We literally managed just two pictures out of that first effort.  Luckily, Chad was willing to re-schedule another day at the DMA Sculpture Garden and we got some super creative and adorable shots.

Hard to believe how far we've come over three years . . . even looking at last year's family photo, the boys are such little men now in every way.
Here's the only good shot from our first attempt - love the steps and the ivy and the boys are not really hiding their moods.
Big Daddy and growing Ethan
Pai and Ethan the super grinner

Another shot of happy, happy Ethan with Dad

Definitely the shot of the day - Noelly stealing the show


Noelly officially in the "Do Not Walk in the Ivy" area

Noelly and sweet Pai

This shot was 100% conceived and staged by Noelly . . .

And a last, very happy Family shot

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