Friday, April 26, 2013

Gramma and Papa's 50th Wedding Anniversary Europe Extravaganza!

2013 has definitely been a year of celebrations which triggered a year of travel.  The first big trip was a 2-week trip to Europe in celebration of Gramma and Papa's 50th anniversary.  50 years is an incredibly impressive achievement and we needed an equally impressive trip to match it.  We started off with a handful of days in Rome before heading to Florence and Venice (Papa only), followed by Paris and London. 
Lots of good memories and an incredibly successful trip - one that I think we'll all remember for a lifetime . . .
Rome:  First stop at the Colloseum, which was incredibly impressive. 
Rome:  Love this pic - stopping at the Pantheon
Rome:  The gorgeous (and overpopulated) Trevi Fountain

Rome:  Surviving our Vatican tour . . . zzzzzzzzzzzz

Florence:  Great family shot on the Ponte Vecchio

Florence:  Gramma and Papa tuckered out on the city tour while Dad and Pai soldiered on!

Florence:  Great pic of a son with his sweet Mother

Paris:  Dad has been to the city several times, so he took advantage of the chance for a catnap, much to the entertainment of Pai.
Paris:  Most of Paris was seen from a car, so we are definitely light on pictures with human beings - but a great pic of the Tower.

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