Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 6: Planes and Automobiles

Our last Punta Mita post presents our World Travelers at their finest . . . the boys LOVE all things associated with flying (well, except unpleasant gate arrival delays) and here are a couple of cute pics of our two departure and return flights:
An adorable pic of Pai and the boys, freshly after take-off . . . Pai handled entertaining duties solo without a hitch!

Uncle Ronny and Avo handling return flight duties with Noel.  Uncle Ronny introduced him to Angry Birds which occupied his interest.

Now for a couple of incredibly adorable pictures of our hour car ride to the airport, which happened to fall around the boys' naptime . . . please do your best to try and focus on the charm of the pictures and ignore the complete absence of appropriate car seat equipment.

Noelly requested that he be cradled by Uncle Ronny and promptly found his thumb, then his eyelids, sleeping for almost the entire trip

Ethan fell more on the humorous side, fighting his desire to sleep until he went to his knees and then faceplanted into the seat . . . while it looked incredibly uncomfortable to the adults, it worked perfectly for him for 30+ minutes.

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