Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 5: New Besties!

We're so thankful to have an amazing support system - a blend of relatives and friends around the world that make our family - and more importantly - the boys feel so loved.

Within that support system came a friendship that burst into existence at the same moment Noel's forehead burst open after hitting our coffee table.  This was not even hour after Bruce and I'd left for an overseas wedding.  But Avo and Ron quickly bonded over caring for our boys, head trauma and information management.

  • Exhibit A: "Don't tell Bruce or Adam about the ER visit until they land in London"
  • Exhibit B: Regarding the late night Whataburger for Noel after the ER visit -  "Don't tell Bruce or Adam about this EVER! Witches Honor!"
Ever since then, Avo and Ronnie (a.k.a. Avon) have become a force to be reckoned with!

While we were in Mexico, there were several afternoons where we all did our own things.  Ron had ventured into the neighboring town for lunch one day and found a great restaurant called The Blue Shrimp with its own resident iguana (Pete) and great margaritas, which is Ron's Achilles Heel (margaritas, not iguanas).

He convinced Avo to go with him the next day and the fearless woman she is, she happily held Pete.  A few pics below of their adventure along with a few others demonstrating the close relationship of:

Avo on a log:

Avo holding Pete:

Ronnie giving Lighthouse Realness:

You wouldn't believe me if I told you that after one margarita, they were singing "Purple Rain" while on the swings...

So I took a picture of the TV in the bar:

Long live Avon!! 

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