Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 3

More great pics from the middle and latter parts of our Spring Break in Punta Mita . . . more specific posts to come, but wanted to post some great general pics . . .
Sweet E with Gina, who he was quick to warm to (certainly quicker than Noel).  Getting some good alone time on the beach.

Who needs a car seat????  Adam caught this great pic of Ethan enjoying the ride home in Gina's truck.

Dad and Noelly enjoying our daily morning puzzle time (Thanks, Crocodile Fairy!)

Ethan and Uncle Ronny working on their puzzle

Final night's dinner:  Adorable Noelly doing his best Oliver Twist.

Final night's dinner: Ethan, with his pre-dinner breakfast bar, demanded that we take his picture as well
Final night's dinner: Pai and Noelly, desperately trying not to smile
Last morning - Final swim:  Enjoying the boogie boards in the pool

Last morning - Final swim:  Pai and Ethan getting their last rays of sun

Last morning - Final Swim:  Post swim, the boys confiscated Avo's and Pai's shirts.  Adorable pic - Noel is so pleased!

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