Monday, March 25, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 1

The Brigade loves our annual Spring Break pilgrimage to Punta Mita, where we could not feel more at home.  It's a week of very few decisions . . . we rent out a phenomenal condo and only need to choose between beach/pool setting 1, 2 or 3. 
For this year's trip, we brought along two of our fantastic family members, Avo and Uncle Ronny, who made their first trip to Mexico.  As you'll see from the pictures below, the boys loved having some additional playmates!
Pics from the first few days . . .
The boys' #1 toy - the 6-seater golf cart that came with the unit we rented this year

Our sweet J Crew model, Sweet Pea Ethan at the beach club

Noelly Canoli, wearing last year's beach hat, just a tad bit too small this year. 

Daddy and Ethan exploring the ocean - the boys were much bigger fans of the water this year
Pai and Avo handled sand castle responsibilities - Day 1 activities

More Day 1 sand castling with Avo and Pai
Daddy and Ethan's clumpy, long lashes

Mee-maw . . . err, Uncle Ronny, exploring the Beach menu options
Our little extrovert, who made friends with anyone and everyone that would make eye contact.  Here he found an older boy buried in the sand . . .
. . .and then promptly asked to be buried himself!

Sand castling - Day 2 - Pai's masterpiece (pre-tidal wave that washed it all away!)
Ethan getting into the Day 2 sand castle activities with Avo and Uncle Ronny

The boys, workin' on their fitness!

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