Friday, March 8, 2013

Biking Buddies

For Christmas this year, Avo gave the boys their first bikes.  We didn't have these as kids and they're pretty awesome.  If you haven't seen these before, they don't have pedals and you push yourself along, developing a sense of balance.  This is supposed to make the transition to a traditional bike easier.

We rented a garden plot down the street from our house and we decided to take the bikes down there and check it out.

The videos are such perfect demonstrations of the boys' personalities.  Ethan dives right in, figuring it along the way through trial and error.  The most common occurrence of Ethan riding the bike in the house is to hear a loud crash followed immediately by an, "I'M OKAY!!!"

Noel, on the other hand, takes a more measured approach.  He starts slowly, makes some progress, and continues on that path until he gets to the same level as Ethan.  At one point you'll hear me ask Noel if he can go faster and he replies with, "No, I'm being careful." as Ethan zooms around him.

See below for a couple of cute videos:

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