Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 4: Dance Party with Gina!

Gina has been such a welcome addition to our support structure over the past three years . . . we first met her three years ago during our first trip to Punta Mita.  She'd been referred to us by one of our friends as a nanny extraordinaire and we felt so comfortable with her taking care of the boys that we have brought her with us to Vail as well each year.  We learned on this trip that Gina and her husband are re-locating to Turkey, so it was a little bittersweet to think that this may be our last vacation with Gina, who will be missed.
With this year's trip, we saw our first real trepidation from the boys towards Gina . . . Ethan warmed within the first two days, but Noel was definitely a hold-out . . . he'd immediately go pouty-lipped whenever Gina arrived each day and would stay that way until she produced a treat of candy or announced a visit from the "Crocodile Fairy."
Noel held onto this apprehension for most of the trip until the final dinner out with everyone, including Gina . . . the boys were in great spirits that night and the evening culminated with a fantastic dance party they had with Gina. What was most amazing about this is that our boys are not big dancers, barring the occasional episode of Bubble Guppies.  They all had a ball and Noel even came back later in the evening and asked for a second dance session with Gina, which seemed to make her evening - she finally won him over!!
The initiation - some mild resistance, stiff arms, dragging feet . . . no, I don't really want . . . really . . . well . . .
And there is the big smile . . .arms starting to swing a big . . . Gina really encouraging

Meanwhile, Ethan is getting a feel from the beat from the speakers . . .

Now he's feeling the beat . . .
Ethan is full on dancing and Noe and Gina are really going at it . . .
Here is the second session . . . Noel is in full cooperation and enjoyment - a lovely friend re-made!

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