Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 2: Avo's "Birthday!"

On our second night out to dinner, we showed up to one of the nearby hotels to enjoy our favorite Thai restaurant, only to learn there had been a mixup and our reservation had been lost.  The concierge was able to get us a seated at the bar of the other restaurant and we begrudgingly accepted. 
We sat down for a sunset cocktail before dinner and Bruce just wasn't "present."   A few minutes later he disappears returning shortly with a furtive smile.
He says, "Rita....I managed to score us a reservation at the restaurant.  It's in 30 minutes so drink up.  I told them it was your birthday and that eating here is your favorite tradition - every year, we come to this restaurant, on Friday, at sunset, to celebrate."
We had a lovely dinner that ended with a surprise - a dessert for Rita with Happy Birthday elegantly written in chocolate and a trick candle that made us all a little slap happy.
Methinks they might have known it wasn't her birthday as it was a chocolate raspberry mousse.  I mean, does ANYONE like chocolate and raspberry paired together?!??!
Happy "Birthday," Rita!  Can't wait to celebrate again next year!

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