Friday, June 7, 2013

Carefree and shirtless

Earlier in the spring, we rented a plot at a garden down the road from us as a project for the boys.  They were excited to help dig in the earth and plant some seeds. 
A couple of times a week, we head down, check out the plants and water the plants.  The boys love it and are really getting in touch with nature.
One unseasonably warm day, Ethan "accidentally" sprayed Noel with the hose.  Without a back-up shirt, Noel embraced one of the upsides of being a guy and went shirtless.  Ethan, of course, followed suit and they spent the afternoon exploring and being boys:
The bikes and scooters aren't super mobile on the thick grass, so Ethan makes do:

A new playground at the church has become their new favorite adventure:

Noel saw a spider web and decided to come back down:

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