Friday, June 7, 2013

The Boys Cathcing on Quickly

The boys got their bikes and scooters around the same time this year.  I think we expected a longer learning curve in being able to ride these around the neighborhood, but they took to them in no time.

It was also interesting to see our historically "watch and see" Noel join in Ethan's "Figure It Out" mentality and bravely jump on, fall off, and get back on.  Before we knew it, Noel was teaching Ethan how to use the brake on the scooter - "Look Ethan, do it like this" as well as teaching him his favorite trick the "Get Low" where he'd try and get his knee to touch the ground while the scooter was still in motion.

A few shots and videos below of the boys riding around the beighborhood:

Ethan taking an early lead on the scooter while Noel is working on the balance bike:

Noel catching up to us:

A different day, but the usual result.  They get tired of riding and I have to carry the bikes back while they happily hold hands:
And lastly, a cute video of the boys riding their scooters one Friday afternoon.  Ethan's closing phrase is curtosy of  Uncle Ronnie:

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