Sunday, July 21, 2013

Summer with Uncle Ronnie . . .

We have repeatedly stated in this blog just how thankful we are to have such a phenomenal support system for our Brigade.  Starting late in 2012, we transitioned away from a nanny to having some dedicated help from my folks (Mon/Tues) and "Uncle Ronnie Thursdays" when he's been good enough to pick the boys up from school and take them on a serious of adventures.  

Uncle Ronnie has always been #1 playmate for the boys and its been very fun to watch our boys crack his dusty, crusty heart wide open.  I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere there is an alternative blog where Uncle Ronnie is typing a similar post, but talking about just how lucky he is to get to spend this precious time with these two incredibly boys, who just adore him.

Lots of pics in this post from an assortment of activities between the "Three Amigos" . . .

The Three Amigos Part 1: What do you think about our mustaches? Ethan's pose in this pic kills me - so funny with him twirling his mustache. 

The Three Amigos Part 2:  This picture is ridiculously adorably funny of all three of them

Outing to the nearby Perot Museum:  Noelly cooking "lunch"

This picture is definitely sweet in many ways - first off, the boys discovered and asked to wear Grandpa Buck's hats . . . once they had them on, we were able to see  (thanks to Ronnie's camera skills) just how much they're growing and aging.  Their little faces look like little men here.

More fun in Grandpa Buck's hats . . . unable to decide on activities - swimming or grocery shopping??

One of many pictures captured of Uncle Ronnie taking full advantage of the "let's lunch somewhere Pai and Daddy would never take you" rule.

Cute Ethan with Ronnie/Noelly at an outing to the Katy Trail icehouse.

Noelly and Ronnie at the Ice House

Is that a ice cream shake we see, courtesy of Uncly Ronnie?  "Coldy, coldy, coldy!!"

Someone found Uncle Ronnies cap . . .

Bike ride to Crooked Tree and the Garden!

Uncle Ronnie's favorite babysitter assistant . . . his iPad, where the boys think all fun videos live . . .

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