Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Yin and Yang of Ethanoel

Just a quick post to brighten your day.  Noel's going through a little rough patch now.  We think his inner introvert is sprouting and he's not much in the mood for sharing....or playing nicely.....or being around other people.  That wasn't the part that's supposed to brighten your day.  If it did, that's a little weird...

His fits are relatively short-lived and the lack of courtesy and respect is followed immediately by a swell of smiles, hugs and kisses.

On the other side of that coin is Ethan who is in a constant good mood of late - a flood of sharing, hugging and general good vibes all around.

Experiment A seen below.  The control is the box, the variable is the child.  Same environment, extremely different outcomes:

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