Saturday, March 1, 2014

Soaring Spiders (aka Leaping Lizards)

It's pretty clear by now that Bruce is the more laid back parent of the two - a trait that I'm rather envious of at times.  

I get uptight about manners despite the fact that they're four years old.  I about passed out when Ethan asked the woman in front of us at the grocery store "Why do you look so scary?"  I once Googled "one ear smaller than the other" because I was convinced Ethan would grow up with one normal sized ear and one miniature ear after measuring his at 6 months old and they weren't exactly the same size.  

Well, Bruce is off on a work trip to Europe this week and we've gotten into a nice groove.  I've thrown caution to the wind because that's what needs to happen when you're rocking things on your own.  

Both boys: "Can we sleep in big bed tonight?" - Sure

Noel: "Can we have cookies after breakfast?" It's Saturday...why not?

Ethan: "Can we jump from the foot board of our bed onto the chair."  Before I could answer with a "NO!" our little daredevil did it anyways.  Throwing caution to the wind was letting them do it a second time while I captured it on film:

Notice I ask Noel what his name is, assuming he'd answer with Spider Man.  He answers so matter-of-factly, "Noel Milam"

As you saw at the end of the previous video, Ethan didn't want to be filmed.  This one just made me chuckle:

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