Saturday, December 21, 2013

Snow Day....or more like Snow Week

Catching up on some postings as we finish up the year.  Right after Thanksgiving, Dallas was hit with a pretty awesome ice storm that effectively shut the city down for almost a week.  We lost power for a day, but the boys didn't seem to mind because it meant no school.  However, when they made the connection between no power and no TV, things took a different turn.

That being said, we made the most of the weather and spent about an hour walking Fritoe, looking at all of the branches that fell and slipping around the icy sidewalks.

Check out a few pictures of the boys enjoying the cold:

Classic Noel - taking it all in and trying to get his footing

Classic Ethan - Jumping right in and will figure it out as he goes 
Brotherly love

Ethan loved hearing the crunch of the ice when he ran

Ethan catching up to Noel to see what he was doing

Noel wanted to "ski" down the hill

All in all it was a great time - they loved the wintry weather and were said when it melted a couple of days later.

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