Saturday, November 16, 2013

2013: Professional Photos - 4th Year Edition!

2013 saw us continuing to feel the pressure with respect to our annual family pics that we take every year heading into Holiday Card season . . . our friend and photographer, Chad, recommended the rail yard in Colleyville, which was a HUGE hit with the boys, who really brought the adorableness for this year's cycle . . .
Family pic - Pai deliberately revolting against the matchy-matchy thing

Hey - here are the bottom of our shoes, all casual like!
A barrel, some graffiti and one adorable Noelly 

Noelly has a secret . . .

Ethan bringing the charm . . .

The boys loved their own rail car . . . Ethan clearly more than Noel

Truest representation of their relationship at this time - one of our favorite pictures ever

This one speaks for itself . . .

Daddy getting a little Noelly nuzzle.

Ethan and Pai holding a pull-up contest (Ethan won!)

Super happy family . . .

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