Thursday, September 5, 2013

Texas State Fair 2013

This post is quite a bit overdue, but I finally organized some pictures and wanted to get them posted.

Avo and Uncle David were visiting and it came to our attention that Avo had never been to the State Fair...ever.  We quickly realized that it needed to be rectified (and to be honest, I was just craving a corn dog) so we piled into the car and headed down for some good food and even better people watching:

Our first stop was at the rides - something the boys have never done and weren't quite sure about.  Noel finally decided on the four wheelers, apparently thinking they didn't move:

All is fine while things aren't in motion

Then it all goes to pot when it starts to move

 Then we moved on over to the games, where we spent $30 to win a $1 valued prize:

Noel won his first prize at the water gun game
Avo and Noel at the train gardens

Pai and Ethan happy after finishing their corny dogs!!

After food, games and fun, we stopped by the farm area for some farming fun:

They went from the miniature tractors to the real deal:

Overall, we had a great day and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

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