Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Summer Staycation with Gramma and Papa . . .

We've long since appreciated that the boys enjoy their time with each and everyone one of our extended family . . . as long as they have each other to lean on, they're both usually up for any adventure on the table.
Dad and Pai did a below average job of finding summer activities this summer after our Alcuin June session ended . . . this was our first full week of no school and the boys took their first staycation to Flower Mound to spend a couple of nights with Gramma and Papa.   They've always loved their time at the condo, but the house in Flower Mound represents a whole new adventure . . .

The biggest hit:  A fun slip-n-slide down the hill in G&P's back yard

Ethan modeling Gramma's slippers in an effort to warm his feet up!

Super adorable pic of the boys exhausted after a long day of activities.

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