Friday, September 5, 2014

Dad & Pai in Parrot Cay - Ethan & Noel Caregiving Part I: Uncle Ronnie!

Pai has really stepped up his blogging game and I gotta keep up!!  Found a host of posts in "draft" status, so better sooner than later!
I think everyone is aware that I took a new job in Seattle, which started in September, 2014.  HBK kept me on longer than I expected, so Pai and I had to be creative to fit in a trip before I took the leap. We planned a trip to Turks & Caicos and turned to a slew of fantastic caretakers to watch the boys over the 5 days . . . first up, a few days with the boys' favorite play buddy, Uncle Ronny!
Noelly showing us how Uncle Ronny handles car safety while driving down the Interstate

Ethan getting in on the action . . .

Noelly showing just how close he is to fitting into adult size t-shirts . . . wasn't that long ago when the neck hole would slip over his shoulders.

Ethan showing his ninja pose!

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