Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dad & Pai in Parrot Cay - Ethan & Noel Caregiving Part II: The Shroyers!!

After the stay at Uncle Ronny's, the boys transitioned to their first overnight with friends . . . staying with the Shroyers.  I work(ed) with Dan at HBK and we've grown to love all four of the Shroyers, even taking a great trip to Vail with them (predecessor blog post to follow).
The boys love Mia and Grant, who treat the boys as such great friends.  We had supreme faith in the Shroyers to watch the boys, but we were still a little nervous about how the boys would handle being in an unfamiliar space.  All nervousness was clearly unfounded . . .
Arrival!  Look at those 4 smiles!

Movie time!

The boys love a good activity, especially if it involved cookies and M&Ms

Why take your shoes off when baking on top of the counter?

Grant regaling the boys with a bedtime story

pretty friggin' adorable . . .

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