Friday, October 31, 2014

First Halloween in Seattle!

Halloween has always been serious business in the Milam household . . . last year we were the fearsome foursome school of sharks and we knew we had to up our game for 2014.

After taking my new job in Seattle in September, our travel schedule required that we spend Halloween in Seattle, which turned out to be a spectacular decision.  We caught up with Uncle Ronny and then paired up with a great family from work and went to the Queen Anne area, where all of the businesses handout candy to the kids in an incredibly easy, fun environment.

The boys loved the whole experience . . . nonstop candy every 3-5 steps . . . what more could they ask for??

Now . . . onto the costumes . . .

Our legendary bosses:  Noelly Optimus Prime and Ethan Darth Vader

The bosses with their minionst:  Pai Stormtrooper and Daddy Bumblebee
Transformers R-O-L-L . . . 
This picture KILLS me . . . I mean that Stormtrooper is DIS-interested and lacking discipline, while Darth is commanding respect.

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