Friday, October 3, 2014

First Trip to Seattle - Part 1

In early October, the boys and I made our first trip out to see Bruce in Seattle.  It was my first time traveling with the boys alone and it was a four hour flight.

I know - you all know me as the poster child for "cool as a cucumber" - unflappable, overly planned, think of everything - you'd never know on the inside I'm like this:

Who am I kidding - I'd planned for nothing, forgot to pack any pajamas for the boys and barely managed to grab iPads as we headed out the door.  My only goal was getting both of the boys to Seattle - that would deem the trip a successful one.

That being said, the plane experience was lovely, the boys were amazing and set the tone and routine for our future trips to the Northwest:

The night before the flight - the boys are SO excited to talk to Bruce.

Ever the stylish travelers - backpacks and all

They both sacked out for about an hour giving me a nice peaceful moment to read and relax - well, as relaxed as you can get with two 40-ish lb. boys strewn across my lap:

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