Friday, February 27, 2015

The Annual Dallas Freeze - 2015 Edition

Right on schedule, the snow and ice hit Dallas.   This almost feels like an exact replica of THIS post from a little over a year ago.  Bruce's departure was delayed two days, we almost didn't get to close on the house and school was shut down for most of the week.

Earlier in the week, we got loads of sleet and while the boys loved running around in it, the sleet was harder and less fun to play on.  And just as things looked like they were thawing out, today, the boys got their wish - fluffy, white, dry snow - great for snowballs, snow angels and some all around wintry fun.

Below are some pics from today's adventure:

Arriving at school he weather was fine

Three hours later, things look very different

Crooked Tree covered in snow

Noel making a Snow Angel

Ethan decided to do the same

Then some free form action - Noel trying a face down Snow Angel

From Snow Angel to Snow Devil - Noel dabbling in some anarchy with a little vandilsm 

Noel said, "I'm like something that cocoons in the ground."  I suggested Empire Strikes Back, he responded dryly with, "No, a Snow Fox".

Let's Go Bananas!

I think we've clearly established that one of the boys has a sweet tooth over the other (I mean, come on, his nickname is Noelly Cannoli - he was doomed from the start).

Well, Noel might have some competition on his hands - this week in Dallas, we were hit pretty hard with frozen temperatures and nothing warms you up on a cold night like ice cream.

We went in to Braum's and Ethan declared his desire for a banana split.  He's never had one, nor did we think he even had an awareness of it, but his desires ran deep and a banana split he would have ("split" with Pai, of course).

Ethan has never been so into sweets as he was in this moment.  Barely gasping for air in between bites, blocking my spoon from getting another bite - it was a truly primal moment as Bruce documented below:

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

39 Seconds in the Emotional Life of Ethan

Okay, so no, none of you have been blocked from our blog - there was a weird thing going on that wasn't allowing us to post and I just never got around to resolving it.  So, you'll probably start seeing us catch up on posts from last summer pretty soon.

This post is from today's adventures brought to you by Ethan's emotions.  We got home from school and he was a little cranky.  I didn't carry him in and he started crying.  I started taking pictures and told him to smile.  In the middle of his crying, he recommended that I tickle him and that might help and he immediately began laughing.

Behold the beauty of a child in touch with his full range of emotions and can express them all in under 60 seconds:

And scene........