Friday, February 27, 2015

Let's Go Bananas!

I think we've clearly established that one of the boys has a sweet tooth over the other (I mean, come on, his nickname is Noelly Cannoli - he was doomed from the start).

Well, Noel might have some competition on his hands - this week in Dallas, we were hit pretty hard with frozen temperatures and nothing warms you up on a cold night like ice cream.

We went in to Braum's and Ethan declared his desire for a banana split.  He's never had one, nor did we think he even had an awareness of it, but his desires ran deep and a banana split he would have ("split" with Pai, of course).

Ethan has never been so into sweets as he was in this moment.  Barely gasping for air in between bites, blocking my spoon from getting another bite - it was a truly primal moment as Bruce documented below:

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