Tuesday, February 17, 2015

39 Seconds in the Emotional Life of Ethan

Okay, so no, none of you have been blocked from our blog - there was a weird thing going on that wasn't allowing us to post and I just never got around to resolving it.  So, you'll probably start seeing us catch up on posts from last summer pretty soon.

This post is from today's adventures brought to you by Ethan's emotions.  We got home from school and he was a little cranky.  I didn't carry him in and he started crying.  I started taking pictures and told him to smile.  In the middle of his crying, he recommended that I tickle him and that might help and he immediately began laughing.

Behold the beauty of a child in touch with his full range of emotions and can express them all in under 60 seconds:

And scene........

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