Thursday, January 1, 2015

Ethanoel turns 5!!!

We've had a lot going with the Bruce's new job in Seattle.  We're managing the travel back and forth quite well and at the same time trying to maintain a sense of connectedness and normalcy amongst the chaos.

So when then holidays came around, all of the Milam Men were digging on us being in the same location for an extended period of time and having friends and family around as well.

The boys' birthday was a great excuse to get everyone together for a fun time.  We opted for a fun bowling party - a rare setting where both the kids and adults to have a great time.  

Mini corndogs, cake and $2 mimosas were abound at the party and everyone had a great time:

Requisite Transformers Birthday Cake

Papa and Denise having a great time

Ethan ready to bowl

Noel got s strike!

Uncle Ronnie making Noel laugh

Mia, Teal and John rooting on Ethan

Avo and her boys!

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