Monday, February 20, 2017

Winter Break 2017: Whistler & First Skiing Experience!

This year, we decided to take our first Snow Vacation up in Whistler.  We consider ourselves a warm and sunny kind of family and this was a gamble.  Neither of our boys have braved the cold very well and we (namely Pai) were preparing for all scenarios.

Bruce has gone skiing a number of times and I haven't really gone skiing since I was a teenager.  What I was really unsure of was how the boys would take to 3 days of Ski School and we'd be separated all day.  Well, lo and behold, we had nothing to worry about - the Ski School at Whistler is amazing and the boys emerged each day to regale us with tales of their adventures and everything they achieved.  Most notably was that the boys were better skiers than Pai after the end of it all.

See below for some highlights:

The boys wearing their ski gear on arrival day.
Bruce snapped a picture of the boys in school

Pai taking the Peak 2 Peak gondola with Daddy - our first time skiing together

A view from below on the gondola

Sunny at the base of the mountain - grey and cold up top

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