Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Winter Break 2017: First Hibachi Grill Experience!

As noted before, it turns out the Milam Men are a skiing family.  Bruce is an old pro, Pai's lessons were a success and the boys loved it.  Ethan even proclaimed, "Is skiing a sport?  If so, I'm good at sports and found one that I love!"

On our last night in Whistler, we'd made a reservation at a Hibachi restaurant just next to our hotel.  Though, after a day of skiing, we were all tired and leaning towards some R&R (Robes and Room Service, that is).  

I pushed for us to rally out to dinner and was very happy we did.   The place we went to was like a Benihana - 12 people around a table and it's a production.  Lots of knife skills and action to be witnessed.  And we tried our best to keep the big ball of fire a surprise to the boys - check out their reaction in the videos below:
Ethan was very particular about his outfit - he even stole my cap to complete the look.
He also took his hairbrush so he could redo his hair once we arrived and the hat came off. 

Pai and Noel looking sharp.

Ethan bellied up to the bar like he owned the place - toothpick and all.

Noel wasn't feeling the photo opp.
And the moment we've all been waiting for:

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