Tuesday, May 16, 2017

First Break of Spring, 2017 - The Boys Day Out with Mari

We are very fortunate to have great people in our life to help keep us afloat.  We've had Mari for about a year now - she's an adorable UW student and has really taken to the boys.  She often watches them on Sunday afternoons while Bruce and I get our Sunday errands taken care of.

 On Easter, she took them up to the university to see the Cherry Blossoms in bloom and they were more enamored with the library (you'll see why below):

Lunch on the quad

The boys were floored at the Harry Potter Library (that's what the kids call it)

Learning their first spells

Noel went immediately to the Avada Kadavra Curse

A rare shot of Noel leading the hugs - its usually the other way around

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