Thursday, June 8, 2017

Camp Colman 2017 (Part 1) - New and Improved with Bruce!

I can't believe it - here we are, one year later.  In THIS post from last year, I wondered if Bruce would join us on our trip to Camp Colman.  And be still my beating heart - he was in for the experience!!

For those of you who don't know Bruce (which would be odd if you're reading this and don't have exposure to Bruce), he's a man that prefers dryfit and a dry forehead.  Only one of those made an appearance at Camp Colman...

The trip really couldn't have gone better - the weather was amazing, the other dads/sons were (mostly) super and the experience left us with great memories.

We left on Friday and caught a ferry over to Bremerton and drove down to Camp Colman arriving a little before dinner.  Last year was our first year and we didn't prepare for the eating situation (boiled hamburgers, "Chinese Food" and questions from the boys as to where the menus were.). 

This year was different - we skipped the cafeteria and headed to the beach where we had campfire grilled salmon, hamburgers and hot dogs and s'mores (no photos were taken seemingly).
Noel, Jack and Keaton on the beach before dinner.
The next day the boys first rose at 5.30a as the cabin had no blackout curtains.  Bruce quickly shut that down and we finally arose at 7.00a.  After breakfast, we ventured off for a day full of activities.
The great thing about this year is that we had a parent for each child, allowing us to go in different directions as needed.  Pictures below:
Noel hitting the arts and crafts cabin making some Shrinky Dinks
Ethan tackling the rock climbing wall
Noel having a go at it as well
Okay, now for the highlight - Gaga Ball.  We saw Gaga Ball on the calendar and there were signs for it all around, but never really paid attention to it.  Well, I ran back to the cabin and on the way back Bruce texted and told me they were there.  I arrived to see what was effectively an elementary school version of Fight Club. 

Gaga Ball in its simplest form: Hit the ball open handed towards other competitors.  If you get hit below the waist, you're out.  If you hit the ball twice in a row, you're out.  Be the last person standing.

This is what I saw when I walked up:

I'm not saying there were bets taken.....
The green ball screeching towards Ethan - he had great defensive skills.
Bruce found a smaller Gaga court around the corner and we decided for a Bertschi-only game (dads included):
Ethan making his way to the new court

The dads quickly took out the children after this photo was taken and it became a real death match!
But Bruce gets so much credit here - for an extrovert with luxe tendencies, he dove in full-force knowing the boys would remember this trip forever.  He got to know the dads, made sure all of the kids were included and just made the whole experience more fun.

More to come in the next post.  

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