Friday, June 30, 2017

Lego Animation Camp

The boys started their Summer Camp Extravaganza this week and it kicked off with Lego Animation Camp.

The great news - the boys love Legos.  the bad news? It was not only at their school, but it was IN ETHAN'S OLD CLASSROOM.  Ethan moaned, "Paiiiiiiii, it's like we're still in school!"

While to boys were mildly disappointed that this wasn't a straight up Lego building camp, they were able to see the fruits of their labor in the short films below.

Honestly, though, when you think about how many pictures they had to take in order to make this into a film - they get huge props for concentration and commitment!

Microwave some popcorn and hit platy below on these cinematic beauties:

Ethan's: "The Magic Story"

And Noel's: "Noellie Potter"

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