Sunday, October 22, 2017

Ghost Raptors Fall 2017 Season

Once again, Bruce led the Ghost Raptors to not only a winning season, but an undefeated season!  We brought our team of merry misfits together again for a successful Fall season.  The weather was spectacular and the boys really enjoyed the games - with some new skills discovered!  

Noel used to prefer defense as he was a little timid about getting into the thick of it.  This season, however, he was all about offense!  He was a great team player and was able to grasp the concept of team work, passing and that assisting is sometimes as important as making the goal!

Ethan was a little reluctant to play this season - however, we quickly found our secret weapon in Ethan's goalie abilities.  He loves the equipment factor (constantly checking his gloves) and he's got a great gift for endlessly blocking goals.  One of the highlights - we were up by one point in the last 30 seconds of the game - a lone opponent came barreling down the field and kicked it straight towards Ethan.  It hit him square in the face and bounces out of bounds.  He was borderline in all out tears  (he did just kicked kick in the face, Fabiana!) until he realized he'd won the game.  His social standing immediately skyrocketed and he was all smiles!

Group shot below with commentary on the team members

Back Row (L to R)
 - Noel: Newly discovered offensive dude/bro - he loves being a part of the team and winning!
 - Keaton: His "baby giraffe" grace from previous seasons was refined and anything he might have lacked in coordination, he more than made up for in sheer determination to score a goal!
 - Abe: Impervious to pain, sweet as all get out and just a brute force - he's besties with Noel and also goes by the nicknames "Abraham and Cheese Sandwich" and "Abraham Lincoln."  Oh - and he has the voice of a man who smokes two packs of unfiltered Camels a day.
 - Sean: A true sports phenom - he hates playing goalie as it deprives him of field time.  An amazing athlete and another great kid!
 - Nathan: New to the Raptors - he's always smiling, happy to be with the boys and a great addition to the team!

Front Row (L to R)
 - Jack: Our British transplant who leaves us this summer.  Jack loves the glory of scoring - though equally as notable is that spark of mischief oozing out of the photo - we'll miss him dearly!
 - Kellan: Comes from a family of soccer players and it's all he wants to do.  He's got a foot of gold and determination to boot!
 - Sid: He's equally as good as Kellan and Bruce often times told him to shoot with his bad foot just to give the other team a break - he'd still score using his bad foot....
 - Ethan: Newly found goalie skills made him so happy!
 - Not photoed - Ethan's gloves

Full team photo below (Chris - one of Bruce's employees, worked with me on weekly practices, and is pictured below)

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