Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Second Grade School Photos - 2017/2018

School photos came back and it's always fun to see how the boys have changed year over year.  Check out THIS for a year-by-year progression.

Noel has only one fashion rule - comfort above all else, so Picture Day can be a bit of a struggle for him as jeans are not super comfy.  This year, though, he was a champ.  He looks adorable and was agreeable to boot!

And our sweet Ethan gives us another awesome story to go along with the below.  It was the day before photos and he declares he wants to wear a bow tie.  Mind you, it's 3.30p the day before photos.

We skedaddled over the Gap and found the perfect bowtie and loafers and headed home.  Once home, Ethan wanted to try on his entire outfit - once on, he says, "Oh - I can't do this without a belt." - at 5.00p, the day before photos.......

He wanted to go back to the Gap and we finally compromised by finding a belt online and ordering it for store pickup after rush hour traffic died down.  The next morning - he was all smiles when he sees his belt and all is good and right in the world!

And mind you - Noel has watched this unfold over the previous 12 hours and it's so not relatable for him - I swear he looked like this:

Image result for side eye meme

This investment of time and energy into a "look" is so foreign to Noel where Ethan is all about presentation.

I'm unsure of where the full class photos are and will update once they are discovered?

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