Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Our first Pitch-and-Putt!

Avo came up last weekend to help while Bruce and I headed to Chicago for a wedding.  She stayed for a few days on the backend and we took advantage of the amazing Seattle weather and decided to try our hand and golf other than in miniature form.

Avo was our caddy and it was a perfect first effort - 9 holes, par 3, and an hour time commitment.   I must admit I was a little apprehensive when I read the sign at Hole 1 stating "You are responsible for all damages to automobiles and people."

All are happy before the first tee-off:

Noel watching Ethan lining up his shot - the green is to the far left - a hilarious moment, but hey - always be preparing!

At the beginning of this hole, fully confident and 100% serious, Ethan looks at us and says, "Let me show you how it's done."  He whacks it perfectly down the fairway like an old pro.  I was up next and slice it into a massive holly bush.  Without missing a beat Ethan says, "That is NOT how it's done."

It was a tight race for first and second with Noel beating Ethan by one stroke and I was a distant third:

Our version of the 19th hole was a flight of popsicles at Seattle Pops:

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