Friday, August 30, 2019

Summer 2019: Wrapping Up the "Boys of Summer"

Ok - It's been a year since we last posted and I promised Bruce I would dedicate some time each week to catch up on posts.  So, once again, be prepared for some time travel as we document the last 12-18 months.

As many of you know, I retired into a full-time domestic role earlier this year and I had my eyes on the best summer ever for the boys and me.  Looking back, we achieved what I wanted - a mix of camps, downtime and some unplanned excursions - and we accomplished a lot!

Today wrapped up the last week of summer and Ronnie was able to coax us out of the house and up to Big Four Ice Caves about 90 minutes NE of Seattle.  It was a beautiful drive and the perfect hike to end the summer.

We began the hike trying to get a quick family photo and Noel is peaking his "eyes shut in photos" phase.  It's not intentional, he's just shutting his eyes in 90% photos lately.  See below for an example of what it's like:

Take 1: Too dark, not Noel's fault

Take 2: Noel's eyes shut

Take 3: Seriously, Ron - are Noel's eyes shut again?

Take 4: Stop it - you're messing with me now - they're really shut?!?!?

Take 5: I was exasperated and not ready for the shot - to Noel's credit his eyes weren't shut.

Take 6: We finally got it!

Classic stance with Ethanoel - Ethan hugging his favorite person in the world:

Off we go to Big Four Ice Caves!

However, once we show up, there's only one ice cave left.  For hundreds of years, these caves have been here, until now which makes Ethan throw his hiking stick down and say, "UGH - GLOBAL WARMING, PEOPLE!  I guess it's now called Big One Ice Cave!"

We still enjoyed our time there and explored the area:

For scale, Ethan and Ron are circled below

Until next summer!!

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