Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years with the God-sisters!

Over the course of their first two years, our Brigade has been incredibly fortunate to have a wide reaching support structure . . . a big part of that has been the Waid family - Travis, Denise, Teal and Coco. They're our official God-family and we spend at least 4-5 weekends a year with them during which they boys are showered with love and affection from Teal and Coco, who have been incredible big sisters.
The picture below is from New Years . . . we had a "grown ups only" dinner downstairs and sent the boys, Teal and Coco and some other children of another set of good friends. . . what's most adorable is what you see happen when you leave them alone. In both shots, Coco is going for the full on cuddle with Noelly Canoli, who seems to be soaking it up! Very sweet.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ethan and Noel's Second Birthday!!

They boys celebrated their 2nd birthday on December 29, 2012 surrounded by many our closest family and friends . . . Gramma & Papa, Avo, Uncle Ronnie, the Godfamily Waid, Sharon & Claire, Chad & Marci and their girls, Karen & Kyle and their girls and several others.
It was a lovely, simple day . . . good friends, some great (yet simple) toys, and some GREAT cake with their favorite theme of the moment - Nemo!
Lots of great shots from the celebration -
(1) First up, a great family shot - again displaing the full length and shag of their current haircuts
(2) & (3) Some great shots of each boy blowing out their respective candles . . . apparently, Dad thought Ethan needed a little more help than was clearly captured in the photo.

(4) A great pic of our favorite little "helper," Ethan - helping to slice his birthday cake.
(5) Noel holding court with some of his favorite ladies . . . Morgan, Claire and Hattie.
(6) Noel and his dueling "Lightening McQueens!"
(7) Ethan showing off his spectacular stacking skills with the Peters clan

(8) & (9) Some cute shots of the boys together, playing and sharing their new toys.

(10) Avo and Uncle Ronnie, giving Noelly a cuddle
(11) Pai and Uncle Ronnie enjoying the new patio while the boys drive around their new tractors
(12) Sunday showing that she can still get her celebration on, even at the advanced age of 15.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas, 2012!!

The entire Brigade had an amazing 2012 Christmas . . . lots of company on hand to help the boys open what was ultimately a heaping stack of presents, albeit mostly on the learning/reading genre with one notable exception discussed below. Gramma & Papa, Aunt Carol and Aunt Joanna spent the night with us at the house and then Uncle Ronny joined us later in the day for the big present unveiling.

Up first a good series of pictures where the boys are opening presents and enjoying the time with everyone . . . they really figured out that there was some good stuff underneath the wrapping paper, so much so that we had to really try to focus them on one present at a time so that they didn't solely focus on the unwrapping effort.

Below are a shot of Noelly trying to find his second wind and then a pic of the boys with what was the favorite toy of the morning - clickety clack cars with a descending track . . . definitely hit at least three of the five senses in a big way.

Lastly, two pics of the boys with the gift that Uncle Ronny and Aunt Joanna have waited over a year to buy for the boys . . . two "just my size" electric Mini Coopers. The boys LOVED (and were a little overwhelmed by) them, climbing in and out over and over again to show everyone just what big boys they'd become. We finally got 'em out on the open road only to find that they are a little too advanced for them - their 2 year old legs were a good 6-8 inches short of reaching the pedals. Consequently, Dad, Pai and Uncle Ronnie rigged brooms, tennis racquets and anything else we could find so that we could operate the cars from behind while the boys enjoyed the ride and tried to figure out how the circular steering wheel come into play. These will definitely be a big hit for years to come (especially once they finally grow into them!).

We definitely all had a fantastic year and are already excited to experience Christmas, 2013!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Bouncy Boys on Bouncy Cows

A quick video of the boys demonstrating a lot of new skills (talking, balance, bravery) as well as an age old skill (fighting over the same toy).


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Lyla's 2nd Birthday Party at Little Gym

Okay, so truth be told, Bruce has been blasting out a lot of posts lately as I sit back, smile and read them. It's time for me to pull me weight starting with this one.

Right before Christmas, Lyla (Lisa and Tyler's daughter) celebrated her second birthday at The Little Gym. For those of you without kids, it's pretty much how you imagined it would be...loads of kids running, screaming, jumping and just begging for an ER visit.

The boys were dressed in their fancy track suits and had a blast, while we sweatily chased after them for 90 minutes:

The boys vying for Lyla's affection

Ethan standing on the bouncy pad:

Noel running all around:

And jumping:

And eating cupcakes....the boys charmed Lisa's mother into giving them cupcake after cupcake. And she happily obliged, despite our objections...

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Miscellaneous Pics - November, 2011

Some great miscellaneous pics from the month of November . . .

First up, Ethan and Noel giving our new rockers a test run on our back balcony. Noelly was fresh from a bath and couldn't be bothered to throw on clothes before giving them a demo . . .

Next up, the boys taking a tandem nap during a nice long walk as we started to see the last of the amazing early fall weather. Nice shot of their "huck finn" jeans that Pai loves.

Next up, a couple of great shots of the boys in the park . . . amazing that we were able to get them sharing a tire swing on camera, given that neither tire swings nor sharing fall high on their list of favorite activities.

Last up, a cute shot of Ethan pushing his favorite shopping cart around the block during what was the first cold snap of the year. These carts have been well worth their initial investment - they've been pushed so frequently that we rarely make it home with all four wheels still attached.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Potty Training - November, 2011 - Buffet Edition

Some great pics from our continued potty training efforts . . . these come from November when we were still breaking them into the process.

Who says you have to put down your food when you need to use the bathroom? Ethan and Noel say "bring it on over witcha!"

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Milestone weekend of 11/18/11 . . .

It was a long, great, hard, fun, frustrating weekend for the Brudam Brigade . . . lots of milestones this weekend:

  • First Timeout: Well, actually first 4 Timeouts for Ethan, who was utterly charming 99% of the weekend and utterly terrible for 1%. The Timeouts were issued respectively for pushing Noel, pushing Noel, pushing Noel and dumping over an entire glass of tea despite Pai's clear direction: "Ethan, do NOT turn that glass over." Pushing boundaries is clearly the phase we're entering and there is not doubt we're going to be challenged!

  • First sentences! Noel uttered not one, but two sentences this weekend, both of which bowled us over given where the boys' growing language skills have been as recently as last week. The first sentence uttered (and captured in the video below - well done, Dad!) was "I did it!" while the second sentence uttered was "Bless you, Daddy" after one of Daddy's super-loud sneezes!

  • Self-feeding (themselves and the pets!): This weekend showed a clear transition towards knowing where food lives and how to ask for it towards independently sourcing, navigating and ultimately obtaining food. For the first time (with much repitition), we noticed the boys identify their favorite cereal (puffs!), use a stool to pull it down, and park themselves on the stairs consuming one puff after another. This works well for a snack, but Pai and Dad realized that we'll have to come up with a higher location for some of the appetite killing, carbo loading, much preferred over meat and veggies snacks. The culmination of their realization came when Ethan was able to discern between toddler food and dog food - he pulled out every treat in the pantry and proceeded to hand-feed each dog until they were stuffed full. Ethan is definitely our little caretaker and this video definitely shows you a uber sweet side of his personality.

  • Last Family Visit to a Toy Store: This one was completely unexpected . . . we've always taken the boys with us whenever we got to a baby or toy store for a gift or supplies . . . while they occasionally express some interest, we've always successfully utilized diversion tactics to get out of the store without much pain. That all changed this weekend - not only did they demand to touch and hold toy after toy after toy, as we were leaving, Noel saw a Noel-sized motorized car and demanded to rent it with the option to own. When Dad denied his demands, there was a Noelly Canoli meltdown like we have never seen before . . . I'm talking a writhing around on the floor, kicking his shoes off, and screeching like I'd set him on fire kind of meltdown. Pai ultimately demanded that I get him out of the store, so we retreated to the car where the fit continued for another solid 15 minutes (20 minutes in total) . . . during that time, punches were thrown, heads were jerked and he threw every object he could get his hands onto the floor of the car. All over a car that he clearly wanted for his own. The video below captures the last 30 seconds of this fit and shows you that he had not lost any steam that far into it . . . we have definitely concluded that this was our last family outing to a toy store. :(

  • First planned co-sleeping nap with Pai and Ethan. OK, so maybe this isn't a true milestone, but it is suuuuuuuper adorable and made both of them very, very happy.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A visit from the Lands and our Goddaughter!

Finally getting around to catching up on blog posts and came across some great pics from mid-November, when the Anna, Andy and Zoe Land made their way to Dallas for a good long weekend. Zoe and the boys have spent 3-4 weekends a year together and we love to see their dynamic grow with each visit. Here are some great pics from the weekend:

First up, here is Noelly showing Zoe how to pull her weight while she's on vacation . . . she though she was coming to enjoy the new toys and videos, but Noel though some light sweeping might be more appropriate.

Next up, Zoe serving herself up some yogurt with mixed results . . . doesn't appear that she's too happy with her results. :)

Lastly, our favorite memory from the weekend . . . the boys absolutely love helping with dishwashing, especially if we let them stand in the sink and control the water. Zoe thought it looked pretty fun, so she joined in . . . that is definitely a look of pure joy on her face.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Sleeping struggles with Ethan . . . the Follow-up!

A few months ago, we posted a series of pics showing just how agile Ethan had become in escaping his crib in search of alternative sleeping locations.

Well, it continued to be an interesting habit to witness and we even began to develop an ear for hearing his little feet hit the floor and pitter patter around the room.

Today, however, was a new discovery. I'd put them down for a nap and left the room with gentle music playing. About 10 minutes later, I thought I'd heard some noise and when I stood at the door, I heard nothing and went back to working on my own nap. Five minutes later, I realized I hadn't heard music before - which is a dead giveaway of an Ethan jailbreak - prompting me to go check back in. The picture below is what I walked into - apparently Ethan now crawls from the crib onto the dresser and then carefully lowers himself into Noel's crib for a shared space nap. Very sweet:

First Fort!!!

Pai had a great impromptu idea today to introduce the boys to their first fort! It was as easy as throwing our large afghan over top of the ottoman to create enthusiasm . . . as you can see from the pictures below, the fort was a great hit!

Ethan jumped right in and seemed fascinated with seeing the ottoman from the ground looking up. He was happy to help complete our furniture de-tagging and enjoyed the experience as long as Noel's Crocs stayed away from his face.

While it took Noel a little longer to warm up to the idea (well, not warm, necessarily, but rather figure out that he had to lower his head to actually navigate underneath the ottoman), once he got in there, he was a giggling mess . . . kicking, rolling and enjoying the experience with Pai and Ethan. Below is a super charming pic . . . Noel surprised me by poking his head outside the covers while I was trying to take the pics . . . super hammy and all Noel!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween with Uncle Ronny in West HP

We've about the incredible relationship the boys have with their Uncle Ronnie . . . it's definitely a relationship chock-full of mutual adoration.

As has been previously documented, Adam and I were in the UK for Kat and Mike's wedding and missed being in town on Halloween. Never fear, Uncle Ronnie to the rescue! Some cute pics of Ron taking the boys around to the houses on our street.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Noel's First Emergency Room Visit (Guest Blogger: Uncle Ronnie)

I am Ron, otherwise known as Ronnie to the boys now thanks to Adam. I have been helping Avo take care of the boys while the big boys are in London. Bruce asked me to write on the blog about what has happened since they left. So here goes nothing.

Lets just start with the beginning. Adam and Bruce made a clean getaway while I took the boys for a wagon ride around the neighborhood. Once we got back everyone headed to the new playroom above the garage to play. Avo was playing with Ethan on the floor while I was reading a book on the couch to Noel. Noel decided to stand up and walk to the other end of the couch. I had gotten up and was walking around behind the couch to get him. Not 45 minutes after Adam and Bruce had left to go to the airport; thinking that their sons were in safe hands with a loving grandmother and an experienced Pediatric ICU nurse, Noel decides to take a header off the couch and slam his forehead on the hardest wood coffee table I have ever seen. I thought he just hit his head (Hard), but Avo screamed he is bleeding! Sure enough, he was all over my brand new Hugo Boss jeans, (btw if the blood doesn't come out you owe me $89, gottem on sale). Noelly Boo had a 2 centimeter laceration above his right eyebrow. So, I scooped up the screaming child and we headed to the bathroom to apply pressure with a rag. With the pressure it only bled about 2-3 minutes. Surprisingly, Noel stopped crying pretty quickly and was more interested in looking at himself in the mirror, that's such an Adam thing to do. I took off the rag to take a look and sure enough it was pretty deep and I knew it was going to need stitches. Rita and I looked at each other and I said, "Son of *****!" With the bleeding and screaming stopped, I knew this was not an emergency. So, Rita and I formulated a plan. First, we decided not to call Adam and Bruce because they would just turn around and come back. Second we asked Claudia (the nanny) to stay late and put Ethan to bed. Third, we had to find the insurance information. After scouring the house from top to bottom looking in all the places I thought someone would logically put a power of attorney and medical insurance information, I came up empty. So we decided to just pay cash and worry about the rest later. So off to the hospital we went. Myself, calm, cool and collected, one very frazzled grandmother and one very chilled out toddler in the back seat. After talking to one of my coworkers at work I decided to go to Medical City so we wouldn't have to wait as long. Good call on my part if a do say so myself.

I drop Avo off at the front entrance because her foot is in a ortho boot, and I park the car and bring the self inflicted trauma patient in. The doctor comes out in the waiting room to look at Noel. Noel was soooooo good he just sat in Avo's lap watching another kid play. After he left I decided I would take a picture of his cut. And I swear to the baby Jesus as I'm about to snap the picture I get a text from Bruce asking for "One last picture before we leave???" Me and Rita looked at each other and I said "Oh hell no!" And we had a good giggle over it.

So they take us back after maybe 20 or 30 minutes and put us in a exam room. The nurse practitioner came and looked at him and again he was super chill. Noel was like an Australian surfer, "No worries mate." He sat in Avo's lap and didn't move, didn't cry and didn't make a peep. And no he was not brain damaged. So, they gave him some Versed to keep him calm. They only had half the dose and needed to get more from pharmacy so they went ahead and gave him what that had. Then they put some numbing ointment on the cut so they didn't have to stick him. They taped it to his forehead and left it, again not a peep.

The nurse practitioner (female) and this big (but not to shabby) looking guy came in to help sew him up. This is where I thought Noel would finally lose his shi*. They wrapped him up with a sheet like a papoose and placed the sterile drape over his face with just a little opening for him to look up at Avo and I. The big but not to shabby guy held his arms from moving while the PNP sewed him up. He didn't move, didn't cry, didn't moan or fidget. His dads would have been sooooo proud of him! In all of my years working with kids I have never seen a kid do so well with being restrained and someone working with a needle around his eye. I was really proud of him too. After placing 4 very thin dissolving sutures made of sugar, he was done.
He ended his first visit to the ER by blowing kisses to all those involved and said "Peace out."

After heading home it was about 10pm and Avo and I were hungry so we went to Whataburger. Noel stayed up and ate a cheeseburger and fries like nobodies business. He finished his night with half a hot apple pie. Head trauma makes you hungry. He deserved it.

To finish off the night, Ethan woke up about 2am crying. He had wet the bed. I changed him and the bed, then went to put him back to bed and he wouldn't let go of me. So, I sat in the chair and he jumped in my lap and laid his head on my shoulder while I rocked him. I figured he would go right back to sleep. Wrong! I tried to put him back 3 times and he was still awake and would start to cry. So, I took him to my bed and laid him down. He was so snugly! He just laid there wide awake for about 30 minutes before finally falling asleep. I put him back in his crib around 4am and he slept until 7. Ethan has been unusually clingy to me and I have loved every minute of it. I love hearing Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie Ronnie.

After all of this I did find the letter allowing for medical treatment on the master bath sink. You know, where everybody keeps them. :)

Closing shot: Following morning, watching Yo Gabba Gabbo with Avo and Ethan . . . if we comb the bangs forward just enough, it's like it never happened!