Tuesday, March 26, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 6: Planes and Automobiles

Our last Punta Mita post presents our World Travelers at their finest . . . the boys LOVE all things associated with flying (well, except unpleasant gate arrival delays) and here are a couple of cute pics of our two departure and return flights:
An adorable pic of Pai and the boys, freshly after take-off . . . Pai handled entertaining duties solo without a hitch!

Uncle Ronny and Avo handling return flight duties with Noel.  Uncle Ronny introduced him to Angry Birds which occupied his interest.

Now for a couple of incredibly adorable pictures of our hour car ride to the airport, which happened to fall around the boys' naptime . . . please do your best to try and focus on the charm of the pictures and ignore the complete absence of appropriate car seat equipment.

Noelly requested that he be cradled by Uncle Ronny and promptly found his thumb, then his eyelids, sleeping for almost the entire trip

Ethan fell more on the humorous side, fighting his desire to sleep until he went to his knees and then faceplanted into the seat . . . while it looked incredibly uncomfortable to the adults, it worked perfectly for him for 30+ minutes.

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 5: New Besties!

We're so thankful to have an amazing support system - a blend of relatives and friends around the world that make our family - and more importantly - the boys feel so loved.

Within that support system came a friendship that burst into existence at the same moment Noel's forehead burst open after hitting our coffee table.  This was not even hour after Bruce and I'd left for an overseas wedding.  But Avo and Ron quickly bonded over caring for our boys, head trauma and information management.

  • Exhibit A: "Don't tell Bruce or Adam about the ER visit until they land in London"
  • Exhibit B: Regarding the late night Whataburger for Noel after the ER visit -  "Don't tell Bruce or Adam about this EVER! Witches Honor!"
Ever since then, Avo and Ronnie (a.k.a. Avon) have become a force to be reckoned with!

While we were in Mexico, there were several afternoons where we all did our own things.  Ron had ventured into the neighboring town for lunch one day and found a great restaurant called The Blue Shrimp with its own resident iguana (Pete) and great margaritas, which is Ron's Achilles Heel (margaritas, not iguanas).

He convinced Avo to go with him the next day and the fearless woman she is, she happily held Pete.  A few pics below of their adventure along with a few others demonstrating the close relationship of:

Avo on a log:

Avo holding Pete:

Ronnie giving Lighthouse Realness:

You wouldn't believe me if I told you that after one margarita, they were singing "Purple Rain" while on the swings...

So I took a picture of the TV in the bar:

Long live Avon!! 

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 4: Dance Party with Gina!

Gina has been such a welcome addition to our support structure over the past three years . . . we first met her three years ago during our first trip to Punta Mita.  She'd been referred to us by one of our friends as a nanny extraordinaire and we felt so comfortable with her taking care of the boys that we have brought her with us to Vail as well each year.  We learned on this trip that Gina and her husband are re-locating to Turkey, so it was a little bittersweet to think that this may be our last vacation with Gina, who will be missed.
With this year's trip, we saw our first real trepidation from the boys towards Gina . . . Ethan warmed within the first two days, but Noel was definitely a hold-out . . . he'd immediately go pouty-lipped whenever Gina arrived each day and would stay that way until she produced a treat of candy or announced a visit from the "Crocodile Fairy."
Noel held onto this apprehension for most of the trip until the final dinner out with everyone, including Gina . . . the boys were in great spirits that night and the evening culminated with a fantastic dance party they had with Gina. What was most amazing about this is that our boys are not big dancers, barring the occasional episode of Bubble Guppies.  They all had a ball and Noel even came back later in the evening and asked for a second dance session with Gina, which seemed to make her evening - she finally won him over!!
The initiation - some mild resistance, stiff arms, dragging feet . . . no, I don't really want . . . really . . . well . . .
And there is the big smile . . .arms starting to swing a big . . . Gina really encouraging

Meanwhile, Ethan is getting a feel from the beat from the speakers . . .

Now he's feeling the beat . . .
Ethan is full on dancing and Noe and Gina are really going at it . . .
Here is the second session . . . Noel is in full cooperation and enjoyment - a lovely friend re-made!

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 3

More great pics from the middle and latter parts of our Spring Break in Punta Mita . . . more specific posts to come, but wanted to post some great general pics . . .
Sweet E with Gina, who he was quick to warm to (certainly quicker than Noel).  Getting some good alone time on the beach.

Who needs a car seat????  Adam caught this great pic of Ethan enjoying the ride home in Gina's truck.

Dad and Noelly enjoying our daily morning puzzle time (Thanks, Crocodile Fairy!)

Ethan and Uncle Ronny working on their puzzle

Final night's dinner:  Adorable Noelly doing his best Oliver Twist.

Final night's dinner: Ethan, with his pre-dinner breakfast bar, demanded that we take his picture as well
Final night's dinner: Pai and Noelly, desperately trying not to smile
Last morning - Final swim:  Enjoying the boogie boards in the pool

Last morning - Final swim:  Pai and Ethan getting their last rays of sun

Last morning - Final Swim:  Post swim, the boys confiscated Avo's and Pai's shirts.  Adorable pic - Noel is so pleased!

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 2: Avo's "Birthday!"

On our second night out to dinner, we showed up to one of the nearby hotels to enjoy our favorite Thai restaurant, only to learn there had been a mixup and our reservation had been lost.  The concierge was able to get us a seated at the bar of the other restaurant and we begrudgingly accepted. 
We sat down for a sunset cocktail before dinner and Bruce just wasn't "present."   A few minutes later he disappears returning shortly with a furtive smile.
He says, "Rita....I managed to score us a reservation at the restaurant.  It's in 30 minutes so drink up.  I told them it was your birthday and that eating here is your favorite tradition - every year, we come to this restaurant, on Friday, at sunset, to celebrate."
We had a lovely dinner that ended with a surprise - a dessert for Rita with Happy Birthday elegantly written in chocolate and a trick candle that made us all a little slap happy.
Methinks they might have known it wasn't her birthday as it was a chocolate raspberry mousse.  I mean, does ANYONE like chocolate and raspberry paired together?!??!
Happy "Birthday," Rita!  Can't wait to celebrate again next year!

Monday, March 25, 2013

2013 Spring Break - Punta Mita Part 1

The Brigade loves our annual Spring Break pilgrimage to Punta Mita, where we could not feel more at home.  It's a week of very few decisions . . . we rent out a phenomenal condo and only need to choose between beach/pool setting 1, 2 or 3. 
For this year's trip, we brought along two of our fantastic family members, Avo and Uncle Ronny, who made their first trip to Mexico.  As you'll see from the pictures below, the boys loved having some additional playmates!
Pics from the first few days . . .
The boys' #1 toy - the 6-seater golf cart that came with the unit we rented this year

Our sweet J Crew model, Sweet Pea Ethan at the beach club

Noelly Canoli, wearing last year's beach hat, just a tad bit too small this year. 

Daddy and Ethan exploring the ocean - the boys were much bigger fans of the water this year
Pai and Avo handled sand castle responsibilities - Day 1 activities

More Day 1 sand castling with Avo and Pai
Daddy and Ethan's clumpy, long lashes

Mee-maw . . . err, Uncle Ronny, exploring the Beach menu options
Our little extrovert, who made friends with anyone and everyone that would make eye contact.  Here he found an older boy buried in the sand . . .
. . .and then promptly asked to be buried himself!

Sand castling - Day 2 - Pai's masterpiece (pre-tidal wave that washed it all away!)
Ethan getting into the Day 2 sand castle activities with Avo and Uncle Ronny

The boys, workin' on their fitness!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Biking Buddies

For Christmas this year, Avo gave the boys their first bikes.  We didn't have these as kids and they're pretty awesome.  If you haven't seen these before, they don't have pedals and you push yourself along, developing a sense of balance.  This is supposed to make the transition to a traditional bike easier.

We rented a garden plot down the street from our house and we decided to take the bikes down there and check it out.

The videos are such perfect demonstrations of the boys' personalities.  Ethan dives right in, figuring it along the way through trial and error.  The most common occurrence of Ethan riding the bike in the house is to hear a loud crash followed immediately by an, "I'M OKAY!!!"

Noel, on the other hand, takes a more measured approach.  He starts slowly, makes some progress, and continues on that path until he gets to the same level as Ethan.  At one point you'll hear me ask Noel if he can go faster and he replies with, "No, I'm being careful." as Ethan zooms around him.

See below for a couple of cute videos: